How to get rid of Smart Phone Addiction using Smart Phone
What is your No.1 Non-Productive Activity that you want to reduce usage?
Have you Committed to this? This will save you precious time
Let me talk about the Smart Phone Addiction
1. How many hours do you spend on your smartphone each day?
2. Are you a Creator or a Consumer?
3. If you are Creator then you are Productive else it is Phone addiction
4. How much time do you spend on each app?
5. How many notifications you open per day?
6. WIM is the biggest distractor- WhatsApp, Instagram, Meta
According to research, more than 25% of the day is wasted on interruptions and distractions, deviations, and wasting time randomly.
Smart Phone if used wisely it is Super Productivity Tool
Growth happens when you remove the unnecessary deviations
Multiplication through Subtraction
Watch the Video and take Actions
Fortune is in the Implementation of the Learnings
How to Get rid of Smart Phone Addiction and be Super Productive
Srinivas TR
Performance and Career Coach
Helping Engineers to build Performance Brand
Watch the Video to get rid of Smart Phone Addiction and be Super Productive